Welcome to the Law & Order: UK Library!

The site that endeavours to supply free Law & Order: UK resources to fans for non-commercial use. You’re welcome to dig in to our materials for fanfiction, reviews, just trying to remember that quote, or any other projects. While a credit to our site is not necessary it would be much appreciated, and we are happy to support any fan projects who use our resources via the fan projects page.

Want to get in contact with us? Drop a comment on our feedback page.

Can you contribute? Can you write transcripts or enhance any of the information found in the library? You can become an author! All authors are fully credited and have the option to subtly promote their own blogs or fan projects (related or unrelated). Regular contributions and commitment is not required. Contact me via the feedback page and for more information.


Infrequently Asked Questions

(If you have a question you can leave it on the feedback page.)

Why did you create the library?

Basically, I got sick of the lack of resources on the internet for one of my most favourite TV shows. You see, I’m a complete hardcore Whovian (Doctor Who fan) at heart, and I always took for granted the plethora of transcripts and episode information out there to use for my fan projects. Although the LOUK fanbase is small I still wanted to keep it alive by providing resources of my own, especially detailed episode and character information, and, eventually, transcripts.

Why not just use the Law & Order Wiki?

I thought about editing the Law & Order Wiki, but truthfully I didn’t want to find out what their editing guidelines were and didn’t want to be bound by what I could and couldn’t do. This way I can provide a lot of content on my own terms.

Do you make money from this?

No, and that’s a really important point. I run this site for free on WordPress free, but it also means I make no money from the ads displayed on this page. Everything I do here is voluntary.

Will you ever expand into the original Law & Order series and/or spin-offs?

At this stage, no, which is why this site is specifically named The Law & Order: UK Library. Basically I’m a busy university student and don’t have time to document almost 1000 Law & Order episodes – I struggle with the UK ones as it is. However, if there are a handful of contributors who are willing to embark on this momentous task I am happy to help them out – perhaps we can one day truly document every episode of Law & Order ever.